Essex Conservatives have condemned Labour for abandoning older people at a time when they need help the most. Withdrawing the Winter Fuel Allowance as we approach the colder months will leave millions of pensioners to make the hard choice of ‘heat or eat’ and is one of the most appalling acts of any Government, when their main job is to keep everyone safe.
In Essex, over three hundred thousand older people will be affected by this disgraceful cut to pensioner income. It is not fair, especially to a generation that has worked hard all their lives, paid into the country through their taxes and have now been abandoned by Labour.
This comes at a time when fuel prices are expected to rocket by 9% this winter.
On top of this, the Labour Government hasn’t ruled out withdrawing the Free Bus Pass. It’s reported that they have also refused to rule out scrapping the single person council tax discount, which would also hit pensioners who live alone. Those who have saved all their lives through their pension pots could also be affected.
All this while giving fat pay rises to their union paymasters.
A society is judged by how it cares for its older people and those who are vulnerable. It’s clear by this action that Labour simply doesn’t care!
But, Essex Conservatives will be working hard to help those who will need it most. We will be supporting warm winter hubs and community groups across the county to ensure older people are looked after and have enough food and heat this winter.
Essex Conservatives will never take anyone for granted and especially our older population, whom we owe so much to for our lives today.
Sign our petition to keep the Winter Fuel Allowance at: